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Week 5: What about the academic research?

Tuesday January 16th:

As part of the work on the seminar, we sat together with Hadas in 1 on 1 meeting that will help us to specify and direct the research question, or rather to explore the topic more.

So we saw that we were still dealing with the old woman, but Hadas directed us to talk to Khalil - whose company deals with this whole issue (I'm curious now what is the name of the company he works for🧐).

Hadas advised us to read her and Adi Deutsch's article, as it can help and direct us.

In terms of research, we set out with tasks for the next few days to write a table of content. We opened slides where we will insert the articles we found on the following topics:

* Old age and challenges of technology

* Stereotypes about the group you are in in terms of old age

* Decreased perception

* Confidence

* Learning and the aging process

* Learning, aging and connection to technology

I wonder which of the topics will connect us to research and how we can develop it further.

We tried to arrange a short meeting with Prof. Boaz Ben David who could help us focus on old age and the perception of technology, we scheduled a short conversation for Thursday. We will try to focus and ask him where in his opinion there is the greatest impact that we can influence him and what he thinks are the obstacles in this process.

This time we didn't forget to take pictures 📸

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