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Usability tests

We conducted usability tests on the product we built, this time using WhatsApp recordings. To make it convenient for the participants, we created a WhatsApp group dedicated solely to game recordings.

The conclusion we reached from the usability test that week is that we need to add a unique pin in the form of a flag to mark the slot the player has chosen. This is because, since the game is played at different times, the player may forget which slot they chose until the opponent tells them whether they hit or missed.

Additionally, we decided to build another prototype with larger squares on the board—1.5 cm by 1.5 cm instead of 1 cm by 1 cm—to test which size is more comfortable for the players, given that we are working with an elderly population.

Finally, we held a Zoom meeting to synchronize everything before leaving for the Passover vacation and wished everyone a happy holiday (:

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