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Prototype construction, usability test and meeting with Ofir

The week was busy and very productive. We started in the lab building a prototype. The material we used for the board is felt in different colors, so each color indicates to the player which board is theirs and which marks the opponent's side.

We bought tacks because we found it easy to insert them into the felt material. We printed the board slots on a sheet of paper. On the player's side of the board, we attached three buttons using double-sided tape. We added colored disks to the buttons and drew icons on them based on inspiration from a website that Aviad shared with us. The buttons looked like this:

- Red: recording, with a speaker icon

- Green: sending, with a WhatsApp sending icon

- White: hearing, with a headphones icon

After the prototype was ready, we met with Ophir and conducted usability testing. Liel and Ofiir played the game while Dana watched and took notes. We shared our concerns that the game might be a bit complex, but he reassured us that the game is relevant and our concern is unnecessary. He emphasized that we must examine the value and meaning that the game provides, focusing on whether the game improves interaction between grandparents and family members.

After the meeting with Ofir, we wrote questions to ask our subjects in the usability tests after they finished the game session.

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